24th Of December (X'mas Eve)
Morning ~> Afternoon
hehe..today~is the time to back and celebrate with bii bii jor~ohya~~happy~~after my class about 10am then i went back hostel pack my thing and then i went back to klang...weeee..bii~~i coming~~hehe...^^..
After Reach Klang about 11am and i straight away went to her house to visit her..hehe..then we went for a movie name "Chipsmunk"..something like that..i also not sure..haha..then later on we having our lunch in McD coz i promise her since last week..so this week bring her go eat lo..huhu..keaii~..then we shop shop for awhile..then she thinking that she wanna brought present for exchange on x'mas..at that time it sound like this :
BiiBii : i buy the couple cups d a???
Jack : huh?dunwan la..buy for wad wor??
BiiBii : buy for exchanging present la...aijor..arbo??
Jack : huh?cup a?dunwan la..so expensive leh..u save up the money for ur future use la..
BiiBii : then buy the fan lo??
Jack : fan?but i got d wor...hehe...dunwan la..u keep la..
Bii Bii: hmm...then buy the cute dustbin lar..hehe
(dustbin as Christmas exchange present??..=.=)
BiiBii : ummm umm...then.buy the keep towel d..for u to lap ur sweat..haha..
Jack : ....llll...dunwan la u save up la...dun waste ur money la...
(Then i keep putting back the thing,bii bii keep take back said wan wan wan~)
(This scene is having for about 10 - 15mins)
Jack : Hanahana...go buy la go buy la..dun naokai la..aijor...
BiiBii : YeaaaHHHH!!!!!hehe...lets go~~~~~hehe...
after brought she only want to went home..apa la..so cute..haha...
when about 5smth i reached home then i asked bro that are he going to use the car or not?he replied nope...yea!!!night can go countdown with biibii~~muackkxxx..then i fast fast rush go wash V-Zai...so V-Zai become handsome ma..^^..haha...then i ask her to think where we are going..then for about 6smth i received answer that we going to have a movie then only went to yamcha for countdown at station1...hehe..^^..we go watch the latest jay chou movie.."chi ling"..not bad la that movie..hehe..quite funny also..haha...^^..then we went to station1 yamcha~~when the time reached 12am..the station1 staff giving present...but they didnt give to our table.T_T..but nvm la..jus some ermm...wisel..night glow stick..and others...hehe...but very fun is we 2 can be together countdown o~~^^..happy marhssSS!!

25th of December (Blank X'mas Day)
Today nothing much special because i slept until 12pm only wake..lazy..lolx...then biibii woke me up...hehe..a x'mas day known as blank X'mas day..because today i didnt bring or meet with her also..haix..i should bring her or meet her for today..maybe is a very important day for her...so i feel regret that i didnt went to find her..sorry Bii!!sorry ya~~habuu no use d..din bring go out..haixx...
26th of December (Semenyih)
Today, after i think about yesterday..so today thinking to bring her out..but at the morning i need bring V-Zai to do something...but i asked her whether she wanna join or not..she replied she wanna join~~oh ya!!..nice~~she no angry already..hehe...nice~~then after V-Zai done we went to shop shop....and bring her go buy contact lens..hehe...then when on shopping that time got a insurance agent come and asked me something :
XXX agent : Hi sir,you know about saving???
Jack : erm...don't know...
XXX agent : ohh..then u wanna to know it ma??
Jack : no thanks..
XXX agent : But our this plan help u to save RM3.33 per day wor...
Jack : oh..i see...i can save it by myself...
XXX agent : but u save it by urself no interest wor..
Jack : ok..since u said until so many...if i sign the plan..next time i get back what?the money?NAH!!...i get back the little amount of money only...because our money rate nw decreases..so it make the value become bigger and bigger..so can pass 1day then pass lo...
XXX agent : ohh..then miss u still wan him a??
WTF!!!she talking about?why must she talk until my gf there??got problem izit?i rejected for 3times but she still ask...really angry about this kind of people..zzzz...say don't want still at there talk....bullshit la!!
At the night time me and bii and parent went to the semenyih for pray and see view...hehe..there quite nice...about 9pm we going there..reached there about 10pm...then about 11pm something we went to kajang..and try to eat the satay kajang...but the stupid fella..dont want to serve us...but they saw their own COLOR skin people fast fast run go there serve but us they ask us to wait...really what the Fxxx...><"...dont know how to do businesss stupid fella...go back and sleep la..zzzzz...
angie:thats call one malaysia?puizz~hate those monkey
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------27th of December (Batu Pahat -> Muar)
At the morning of today about 7am, we depart from klang to batu pahat..hehe...so happy..finally can go travel again~~weee..haha...then later on at the 7am we went to ate bah kut teh at taman rahsna..so nice leh~~so long din ate bah kut teh..hahaha...then about 11am we reached yong peng..and we taken our breakfast there....we ate the erm..fishball..quite famous 1...hehe..reli nice to taste..~~woopsss~~hehe...then we going to batu pahat...
1st destination -> "8Gods Standing on The Dragon"
2nd destination -> "Batu Pahat Mall"
3rd destination -> "Hug Pineapple"
4th destination -> "Touch Fish"
5th destination -> "Big White Old God(Tua Pek Kong)"
6th destination -> "Eat Otak-Otak at Batu Pahat"
7th destination -> "Back To Muar"
8th destination -> "Go YongSheng brought some foods"
9th destination -> "Jam-ing in higway about 1 hours and 30minutes"
Sorry HaBii so long no wrote blog~~today i wrote about the days we went through ba~~haha..sorry...and thanks for your support..muack~~!!LOVE YOU~~hahaha..and forgive habuu ba..about the 25th december..sorry..haixx..sad~~sorry sorry sorry~~~
by : Jack
Jack and Angie
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